Overhauling Your Look

Getting Breast Augmentation Surgery? Here's How To Help Ensure A Positive Experience

Now that you have decided to get breast augmentation surgery, you probably want to do all you can to make the experience a comfortable and positive one. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use to enhance your overall breast augmentation experience.

Go to Your Consultation With an Open Mind

You may have specific plans and expectations about the outcome of your breast augmentation surgery, but it's important that you keep an open mind when consulting with your surgeon. Write all of your ideas and plans down on paper and bring it with you to the consultation, so your surgeon has a clear understanding of what you expect.

Include information such as the breast size you'd like to be, the area which you'd like the incisions to be made, and whether or not you think you'll need a lift at the same time. Don't be surprised if your surgeon offers alternatives to some of your ideas based on the shape, size, and overall health of your natural breasts. For example, you may find that you can't go as big or small as you'd like. But in the end, you'll likely be happy that you listened to the expert guidance you were provided.

Prepare Your Home for the Recovery Period

You will probably be in some pain and find it hard to do even basic tasks for the first few days after your breast augmentation surgery, so prepare your home for ease and convenience during the recovery process. Make sure new sheets are on the bed, clean towels are easily accessible, and meals are prepped and ready to be heated. You should also get a babysitter for the kids for the first day or two of your recovery. The more you can relax when you get home after surgery, the quicker you can expect to heal and get back to your regular life routines.

Invest in Some New Clothing

You may feel a bit vulnerable and shy when you head back to work and social engagements after your breast augmentation surgery, especially if you haven't told a lot of people about your plans for the surgery. And your tighter tops might be a little uncomfortable to wear for the first few days or weeks after surgery.

To make yourself feel a little less conspicuous as you get people used to your new look, consider buying a few new pieces of clothing to wear for a few weeks after the surgery. Loose tops and dresses will keep you comfortable while you recover and get used to your new look without enhancing your breasts. You'll also need to be fitted for new bras after surgery, but you should invest in some sports bras to wear until you can get fitted.

For more information on breast augmentation procedures Newport beach CA contact your local medical office.
