Overhauling Your Look

2 In-Office Dermatological Procedures For Uneven Skin Tone

When you look in the mirror, are you frustrated that your skin tone looks patchy and uneven? There are all sorts of cleaners and moisturizers that promise to help with this issue, but they only tend to be effective for mild cases. If you have tried several of these products, but to no avail, then you may instead want to consider scheduling an in-office treatment with your dermatologist. There are several in-office procedures they can perform to help even out your skin tone.


Dermabrasion is a deep exfoliating technique that should only be performed by a dermatologist. Your practitioner will use a rotating instrument, which looks like a little sander, to abrade away the outer surface of your skin. You won't feel pain during the procedure because your skin will have been numbed with a topical anesthetic. However, your face will be red, irritated, and peeling for several weeks post-treatment. Once it heals, though, you will enjoy the appearance of softer, more evenly toned skin. 

You do have to be careful when healing from dermabrasion. You'll need to stay out of the sun, avoid wearing makeup for at least a week, and stick to mild cleansers and moisturizers. You'll also need to avoid picking at your skin or rubbing away the scabs.

Chemical Peels

If you don't have the time to dedicate to healing from dermabrasion, then your dermatologist may instead recommend a chemical peel. There are so-called "deep chemical peels" that can be as invasive as dermabrasion, but for uneven skin tone, a milder chemical peel is typically called for. Your dermatologist will apply a chemical exfoliant to your skin, wait a few minutes, and then wipe the exfoliant away. The chemicals will take off the outer layer of your skin.

You will have some redness and irritation for a few days as your skin heals, but this won't be as extensive as with dermabrasion. Depending on how your skin reacts, you may even be able to wear makeup the day after your procedure. Once your skin heals, you'll notice that your dark spots have faded and your skin tone is more even overall. 

Both dermabrasion and chemical peels can be really useful for patients with uneven skin tone. The results of both procedures tend to last several months, with dermabrasion typically lasting longer since it removes more of the surface skin. Talk to your dermatologist to see which treatment would be best for you.

If you have further questions, get in contact with a local dermatology clinic.
