Overhauling Your Look

How To Shower For Your Best Skin

One thing is true for each person: clean skin is good skin. One trick to learning how to take care of your skin is to understand what kind of water to use to ensure that your skin is reaping all the benefits of clean skin.

Of course, the best way to clean your skin may depend on a variety of different factors, and water is just one of them. Here's what you should know about hot and cold water for washing your skin.

Cold Showers Water Might Make You Less Itchy

Many people who deal with dermatological issues, including rashes, find that showering in cold water is a remedy for itchy skin.

Cold Showers Can Tighten Your Pores

If you notice that your pores are larger than most other people's pores, you might try showering or washing with cold water. Washing with cold water can make your pores less apparent.

Cold Water Helps Your Body Retain Its Oils

Hot water is notoriously better than cold water at eliminating oils. Just like you would use hot water to clean oil from dishes, you would also use hot water to clean oil from your body. If you are prone to oily skin that results in acne, hot water may be your best bet.

Hot Showers Open the Pores

When you wash your face with hot water, the pores that open up will be easier to clear of toxins and dirt. This results in clear skin because the blemishes are easier to eliminate when debris does not get caught inside the pores, unable to escape.

Hot Showers Release Tension

Are you under a lot of stress? A hot shower can relieve your anxiety and even the physical tension you carry in your body. If you have a lot of stress and tension in your body, you might notice that you are more prone to acne. Relieving stress may help clear up your skin.

Hot Showers Improve Healing

You may have heard that a hot shower improves your circulation. As the blood circulates throughout your body, it brings more oxygen and nutrients to different parts of your body. As a result, you may notice that you are more likely to heal quickly, including when it comes to dermatological issues.

Talk to Your Dermatologist

Your dermatologist will help you decide how to clean your skin properly. Washing your skin to avoid acne and other skin conditions is helpful, but you may also find that you need additional treatments. Contact a dermatology professional to see which option is best for your skin.
