Overhauling Your Look

Medical Reasons For Laser Hair Treatment

Laser hair removal is the ideal approach to hair removal when frequent shaving or waxing is time-consuming, painful, or otherwise undesirable. Although choosing laser hair treatment can be a matter of improving your cosmetic appearance, there are instances when medical issues make laser treatments a better option.


Many women may experience some hair growth in areas they consider undesirable, such as on their faces or arms. In some cases, the hair can be excessive and caused by an underlying medical issue. Hirsutism is a byproduct of excessive androgens in women. This can be caused by a genetic condition that causes women to produce more testosterone, but it often happens with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Women affected by PCOS do not ovulate normally, so instead of producing an egg, their ovaries make cysts. This leads to enlarged ovaries that can be filled with hundreds of cysts. Generally, PCOS causes women to have infrequent periods, but when periods occur, they can be extremely heavy and last for weeks or months. Laser hair treatment is the better option for women with hirsutism since hair growth can be extensive and on many areas of the body.


Some people, especially people of color, are more likely to experience problems with hyperpigmentation. Conventional hair removal methods, such as waxing or shaving, can easily irritate the skin and encourage the skin to produce more pigment in that area. For some people, hyperpigmentation in the underarms or bikini area can give the appearance of hair in the area, even after hair removal. To reduce irritation to those areas, laser hair treatments may be helpful. Many people find that over time, the hyperpigmented areas slowly return to a normal color with laser hair treatments.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

HS is a chronic skin condition that causes the immune system to attack the sweat glands, most often in the underarms and pubic area, where hair frequently grows. The condition is painful and causes boils, tunneling under the skin, and infections. Managing the condition requires ongoing treatment with immunosuppressive medications to reduce the attacks by the immune system. When people have HS, conventional hair removal methods are not possible because they further irritate the skin and can lead to more boils and infections. Once the condition is successfully managed, laser hair removal is a safer option for hair removal. Minimizing hair growth in those areas may also reduce flare-ups of the condition.

Laser hair removal is frequently sought for cosmetic reasons, but several medical issues can make conventional hair removal problematic. Laser treatments are often the better option for people who have medical needs that make hair removal more complicated.

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